Conquista da Lua marcou minha vida !


Meu depoimento sobre a Conquista da Lua no G1:,,MUL1231738-8491,00-CHEGADA+DO+HOMEM+A+LUA+MARCOU+MINHA+VIDA.html

Sobre Baldaci

A Haggai Alummi M606, An Amateur astronomer, A husband, father and a visionary baptist pastor working hard to Plant a Church in Cuiaba, Brazil and to establish the first Cyber Theater and Planetarium in my state( Unique pastor and astronomer in Brazil. Working using astronomy to reach poor childrens and against drugs. Member of SOC-JPL-NASA ( and Astronomer without borders ( Host of program “Eyes on skies” TV Assembléia Legislativa( e Ombudsman of Education State Secretary of Mato Grosso with assistance to 711 schools. About me at Haggai´s web site:
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